Virak Chey National Park
It stands along the border of Laos and Vietnam. The Virak Chey National Park occupies a tranquil piece of land, 37 kilometers away from the northeastern part of the Banlung city in Cambodia. This region is fully covered with tropical forest. The mountain range all around the Virak Chey National Park can be best explored on foot.
The primary objective of the Virak Chey National Park in Cambodia is to prevent unnecessary exploitation and degradation of natural biodiversity in and around Cambodia. The initiatives and measures undertaken by the Virak Chey National Park attempt to reduce the risks associated with unnatural exploitation of biodiversity.
The following fields fall under the domain of Virak Chey National Park in Cambodia:
Promotion of ecotourism
Effective protection and management of the National Park
Management of information related with wildlife and biodiversity
Optimization local welfare
The ecotourism initiatives undertaken by the Virak Chey National Park in Cambodia involve building up of trekking trails through the jungle covered mountain range, encouraging the local people to make arrangements for village stay for the tourists visiting the National Park and involving the experienced staffs to guide the tourists through the trekking trails.
The local welfare activities of the Virak Chey National Park in Cambodia include proper management and use of natural and socio-economic resource. These initiatives also involve the spread of education among the local mass.
Protection and management policies of the Virak Chey National Park cover the five-year management and financial plans initiated by the park authority. These policies mainly look after the interests of the employees associated with the Virachey National Park in Cambodia. Performance appraisals, standardizations of data collected by the rangers, wild life related research and daily supervising flights fall under the purview of the protection and management policies.
Virak Chey National Park(R. Kiri)
Posted by
on Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dear I just discover your topic, and it's very interesting, anyway, would u mind telling me if there's any past and future development plans for that area.
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